Kayla Lane Fye

Keeping up with Kayla as she grows. Enjoy.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Kayla day 36

No call from the Dr this morning, which is fine no news is good news. I went in today around 3:45pm, Kayla has been having her desats when she gets a full tummy during her feeds. I wanted to see if Kayla still had desats when she wasn't being held, well she does so I felt better I was hoping she wasn't one of those babies that doesn't like to be held when eating. Nurses say that some babies are just like that, but Kayla does the same thing if she is being held or not. So when chatting with the nurse, because of her desats she wants to try and have us come in earlier to hold Kayla before her feed then put her back in before she finishes her feed, since that's when she normally desats. Since we were chatting about eating, I had asked when the developmental specialist would be able to come see Kayla to see if Kayla is ready for bottle feeds. I was so excited to hear that I am able to be scheduled with her on Monday at 12pm, I can not wait. I was sharing with the Dr that it will be so nice to be needed, to really feel like a mom. Because when Kayla starts breast feeding I have to be there, Kayla needs me not just the nurses but her mom! So this Monday will be an exciting Monday of the Fye family. Beth is the name of the developmental specialist and she will come in to watch Kayla nuzzle, then we make a plan for practicing breast feeding. If Kayla can pass all her little tests, we get to start one bottle feed a day and move up with the more she learns the suck, swallow, breathe technique. Hooray, I did a little dance in the elevator on the way down from seeing her, such a big step to get Kayla ready to come home. :)
Mike and I came in for her 9p cares tonight and guess what....we now have a 4lb baby, YEAH KAYLA!!! She did it, she is getting so big we just love it. Maybe she will get to be in an open crib for our anniversary tomorrow?? After the big 4lb celebration Mike held her and Kayla did awesome, she didn't desat during her feed. Mike and I counted down as she hit 10 seconds and I did a little cheer for her. What a great night, some day soon we get to give hold her and no longer hear those beeps and that day I think is coming sooner and sooner. Love it.

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