Kayla Lane Fye

Keeping up with Kayla as she grows. Enjoy.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Moving on

After a year and a half of living with my father in-law and saving up Mike and I were able to buy a house in 2007. The house would be perfect for us to start a family, but we knew in our situation that we would have to save up in order to try for a baby. Infertility is expensive but we felt it was completely worth it. In 2008 we started trying to have our first child with the simple first step, a fertility drug called Clomid, while actively trying without conceiving we still kept busy and pushed forward with our dreams. I was a nanny during this time working with children because that is my passion and having a house gave me the option of starting my dream job of being a home child care provider. In 2009 I was able to start my business with two of the families I had previously nannied for and was full within my first six months with six children every day and 5 different families. “The strongest people are not those who show strength in front of us but those who min battles we know nothing about.” – Infertility quotes

Sunday, January 26, 2014


Life is a bit stressful at this time and to try and get my mind off of the stress I have been reflecting on my story. So I thought I would start to share some of my adult past and remember the craziness of Kayla's story as well. In 2006 almost one year into our marriage Mike and I learned that I had infertility. We both never imagined our life without children, I was diagnosed with PCOS and thought my worst fear was going to happen. PCOS is polycystic ovarian syndrome, more common than people think but difficult when it comes to getting pregnant. It is not curable though some feel it is very treatable and something many women are probably born with. “The most precious jewels you’ll ever have around your neck are the arms of your children.” - Unknown

Tuesday, January 14, 2014


Well we officially have two crawlers now! Brooke is all over the place and loving it, she will crawl over to the sliding glass door and watch Kinley play then also loves to run her fingers over the heating vents because it makes a very neat sound. Jordyn decided it was her turn to explore more just yesterday and it now loving that she can find the smallest items on the ground to pick up and put in her mouth. Kinley had some stick from outside that she brought in it was very tiny and I didn't notice it, but Jordyn did! It's is so fun watching these two girls grow so differently and yet be the same age, they are growing like crazy and eating a ton. We go through about 6 to 8 jar foods a day, burning all those extra calories crawling around everywhere. We are still struggling with the whole potty training thing with Kayla. I don't know where I have gone wrong I have successfully potty trained many children but yet I can't train my own....very frustrating! She seems like she is interested but freaks out when we get to the toilet no incentive is working like I hoped. Keep us in your prayers as I am still trying to find a job so we can keep our heads above water, this process has been very hard and many tears have come with the unknown. We know the Lord will provide but just wish his timing was a bit sooner. :)

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

New Year

So I am not the best at keeping up with my blog, since Jordyn is 8 months old now and in my last post she hadn't even come home from the hospital yet. But she is home now both Brooke and Jordyn are healthy and growing wonderfully. Brooke has three teeth two on bottom and one on top and just started crawling. Jordyn has no teeth but is still and always has been two inches taller than Brooke she does not turn away any food and loves to talk. First word was "dada" but "mama" came just a couple of days ago, so exciting! She is very close to crawling, but is currently still a pro at the downward dog position.I hope to keep up with my blog much better in this year of 2014 as I am sure many others are too. So we will see how well it goes.