Kayla Lane Fye

Keeping up with Kayla as she grows. Enjoy.

Monday, August 29, 2011


Today is the day we find out if we are pregnant. I went in to do a blood draw at 9am this morning and we will get results around 3 or 4pm. The rest of the day I keep thinking I was feeling something. I was so nervous, Mike got back from golf, it was nap time for the kids and we were anxiously waiting our results. At almost 3:30pm we received the call I could tell right away by the tone of Lisa's voice...the results were negative. So sad, I had some strange feelings that I might not be pregnant because I never hyper-stimulated like I had with Kayla but I still felt it was a possibility. It's just so hard to have to put so much money into this process and have the results be negative. Rough day.

Monday, August 15, 2011


So we went in at 10:30 this morning for Mike's portion of the IUI I went in as well to save on gas and not have to bring two cars. We went to 7-11 I got a slurpee and some pretzels. Then we walked around the park across from the hospital before we went in at 12:45 for the IUI. It took awhile for them to get the tube in there straight because my uterus was alittle curved. But when looking at an ultrasound while doing the procedure they were able to get the tube up to finish the job. All in God's hands now. :) We will pray for what ever the Lord wants to provide for us.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Day 12 con't

I received a call back today with my blood results. All my levels are high and it's sounds like I am ready for the trigger shot. I will not do a follistim shot tonight but instead I have to set my alarm for 1:15am and give myself the trigger shot to release the hopeful egg inside my mature follicle. I have to do the trigger shot at 1:15am because they like to do IUI 36 hours after the trigger, and the only time they could get us in for the IUI was at 10:30am for Mike and 12:45pm for me. So I will be up at 1:15am for a good shot in the belly. ;)

Thank you Lord for the one mature follicle. Now we pray for a good IUI and implantation!

IUI will be on Monday.

Day 12

Good news! Yesterday I received a call from Dr. Becker she told me all my blood results came back just where they needed to be. That included thyroid which I was low on with Kayla's infertility. But all is well even when told that most women in Colorado have low vitamin D mine came back at a good level so very exciting.

But today was my next ultrasound and I was so nervous going in just praying the one follicle on the left side would have grown but the other smaller ones had not caught up. My appointment was at 9am I got in right away nurse went to the left side first and there it was!! Just one good mature follicle measuring 19mm the next closest was almost 10mm which isn't considered mature, so very exciting news. So now I wait for the phone call to tell us when I should take my trigger shot to release the egg and when our IUI would be, either Monday or Tuesday next week.

Keeping our prayers up. :)

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Day 10 con't

Just received a call from CCRM, I had blood drawn today to check my levels. Progesterone, Estrogen, all the hormones that need to be high and plentiful to achieve a pregnancy. My levels were good but not high, so they increased my injection dosage to 150 IU's instead of my regular 75 IU's, didn't expect that. So next appointment is Saturday at 9am, I will have another ultrasound and another blood draw as well now. Pray. :)

Day 10

So today I had an ultrasound to check the growth of possible follicles, follicles grow a lot quicker when on injections. I was alittle nervous about the ultrasound today, I ultimately decided to go forward with injections since Dr. Minjarez was nervous about multiples. But so far so good, with ultrasound results today I had three follicles on the left but one taking charge. The biggest was 12mm, the other two were 8mm and 6mm. On the right side I had four one was 8mm the biggest the other three 6mm, 6mm and 5mm. What this means is we have one very good mature follicle that we hope it the one that will release an egg. The others do have a chance of catching up but may not as well. So I am happy with the one, I will continue injections tonight and tomorrow night then go in for another ultrasound on Saturday to see if the follicles are continuing to grow and see if the others are catching up or not. So if they grow as most usual follicles do we could be scheduling the IUI on Monday this next week 8/15.
We are still praying that the other smaller follicles don't catch up because if I have more then three mature follicles in my next ultrasound Dr. Minjarez will not go forward with the IUI. So we just pray that the biggest one on the left will continue to do it's thing and the others will not catch up quick enough to effect my over all numbers. So I will let you know who Saturday goes. :)

Monday, August 8, 2011

Day 7

Crazy day today. On Friday I had called Lisa at CCRM to ask why the injections were not a part of my fertility plan. Lisa wasn't in so the other lady told me maybe it was a mistake and that Lisa would call me on Monday. So this morning Lisa called and told me that the plan was not to include injections with this cycle. I was confused, Letrozole is basically the equivalent to clomid. Mike and I tried Clomid for a full year and we had no luck. So I really didn't understand why Letrozole was our only option, I talked to Mike about it and he said to write down some questions and call Lisa back. So that is what I did, I asked her why just letrozole and what's the difference in it compared to Clomid. There wasn't a big difference in the two but Clomid thickens the cervical mucus and letrozole does not, so not much. She said Dr. Minjarez was nervous about having me do the injections because there is a higher chance of multiples. But the 10% chance of multiples with injections are the same as Clomid so I asked if we could still do the injections. Dr. Minjarez is not just nervous about multiples and a difficult pregnancy but I have an incompetent cervix and twins or more could cause miscarriage, bedrest or a higher chance of premature labor again. So we are taking the risk, we could have risked taking just letrozole and having one possible follicle to maybe implant or we are chancing having too many follicles in which Dr. Minjarez will not let us go through with an IUI. If we have more than three mature follicles we will have to end this cycle and try again another time. This is difficult because this process cost us close to $1000 and we don't have that kind of money just lying around. So we pray that it works, we pray that will not have more then three follicles, and we pray that if this works we will have a successful full term delivery.
I then later went to see Dr. Becker my Ob for my annual and she always makes me feel so much better. We talked about cerclages, she said in my situation if I become pregnant she would plan to put in a cerclage at 12 weeks. I think this is great because it's right before the second trimester and we should not have the risk of an early baby. I would be closely monitored and make sure the cerclage kept it's hold until it would be taken out at 36 weeks. I talked about Dr. Minjarez and she being worried about twins, Becker said if you get pregnant with more it will be a blessing we will put in a better cerclage and put it in even earlier if needed. She just said that if twins happen for me I should prepare myself for many many doctors appointments. She just put me at ease that if the scary happens we can still make things alright.
So after a long day a confusion and trying to figure out God's plan all on our own. (which doesn't work) I did my first injection. So I will just pray for the best, I know God will provide what we need so I will just leave it at that.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Day 3

Today is the first day on letrozole, I got a little confused when the prescription was for letrozole instead of femara which is what I was on with Kayla. But I looked it up and realized it's the same thing but the generic version. So this medication will help my body create some mature follicles out the the resting follicles chilling out in my ovaries. Hope it works well. :)

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Started Period

Alright well we have officially started, after being on provera for ten days I started my period today which was three days later instead of two which is what day I started on the last two times I was on provera. So I got a little nervous at first thinking I might not start my period at all for some odd reason, I wasn't cramping, breaking out or any of my normal symptoms. But thankfully I started, I called Lisa, Dr. Minjarez assistant and have an ultrasound scheduled for tomorrow to check my ovaries and make sure I have no cysts on my ovary's that would prevent us from going on with the next step.