Kayla Lane Fye

Keeping up with Kayla as she grows. Enjoy.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Kayla day 26 (32 weeks)

Dr called this morning there was a bunch of new little changes in Kayla's life today. Because she is gaining weight and gaining it very well, she is at 30cc's of breast milk. That's one ounce of milk for every feeding she is getting, they have also added more caffeine to her diet, to keep up with the weight gain. They have added a vitamin supplement with vitamin D into Kayla's diet as well, that is not something she can get in my breast milk. Kayla will get an eye check this week to look for ROP, (Retinopathy of prematurity) it's a derailed formation of the retinal blood vessels that preemies can get if they are on to high of oxygen to much. This is going to be our new prayer chain for this week, because if this is an issue for Kayla she may need to get surgery to fix it. The Dr. also turned off Kayla's humidifier in her incubator and she is doing fine with that change, nurses say she has to realize she lives in Colorado not Florida. Kayla remains on two with her pressure oxygen, I asked the Dr. when he thought she would get off of it. He had said probably not until she was having very few desats during the day. Kayla still has a pretty good amount of desats this morning she had 7 during morning/day shift not sure how many she might get during night shift. So I think that number needs to be closer to five a day or fewer before she can get off. But I really feel she is getting close to being done, when weighted tonight Kayla is at 3lb 5oz. She is growing like a weed, we love it. :)

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