Kayla Lane Fye

Keeping up with Kayla as she grows. Enjoy.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Kayla day 81

So here it is Sunday August 29th the day Mike and I get to bring Kayla home. But when we woke up this morning we still weren't positive if we could bring her home today. The doctor told us yesterday that he wouldn't discharge her until 12p so we were waiting for the phone call. We didn't want to go in to early just waiting in anticipation so we decided we would sleep in for probably the last time in a long while and head in around 11:45a, hoping by the time we got there we would hear from the Dr. ourselves that Kayla would be going home today. So Mike and I got some last minute stuff done for Kayla, like installing the car seat base into Mike's car. Making sure we had all things needed for Kayla to come home, we were ready to do. The car seat base took a little longer to install then we had thought so we didn't leave the house until closer to 12:15p but we still haven't heard from the Dr. so it's still up in the air. We got the the hospital at 12:30p walking in a what felt egg shells hoping and praying that nothing went wrong since we hadn't yet heard from the Dr. But right when we got to Kayla's area the nurse told us, "he signed her discharge." We looked at each other wondering if the other heard the same thing, I then asked again. Again she said, "yeah you guys are ready to go the Dr. already signed Kayla's discharge papers." HOOOORAY!!!!!!! Excitement beyond what you think you could feel filled our hearts. Today was the 100th day Mike and I had been to the hospital since my bed rest, and today we get to actually bring Kayla home. As excited as we were it still took a while for us to actually get out of the hospital. Kayla was due for her next feeding at 1p and it was already 12:45p so we had to feed her before we could go as well as change her into her going home outfit, of course. Sign and go over all of her discharge papers, talk to respiratory therapy about Kayla going home on oxygen and talk to the Dr. about signs to look for so we won't have to bring Kayla back. After hugs to all the NICU nurses working that day, Mike and I were headed to that door for the last time. We walked in disbelief to the elevator wondering if this was still really happening. After getting outside the nurse and I waited for Mike to pull the car around, we took the last hospital pictures put Kayla and everything else that made it feel like home in NICU into the car and actually drove away. The smiles never left our faces, we got home just about 10 minutes later, introduced Bailey to Kayla, but I don't think she really cared much about Kayla she was just excited to see us. Then called and/or texted everyone in our family the good news. For the rest of the day Mike and I just stared at Kayla arguing back and forth about who gets to hold her next. I told Mike he was lucky I had to pump because I wouldn't give her up, we were now a family of three now home, (for awhile) and loving every minute of it.

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