Kayla Lane Fye

Keeping up with Kayla as she grows. Enjoy.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Kayla day 56

Happy 8 weeks to Kayla today. She is doing so so good, I went in at 3p Kayla had already had 3 bottles that morning. Cynthia skipped her 12p feed because she knew I would be coming at 3p. I came in a 3p and Cynthia told me that they had just ordered Kayla's eye exam. That meant that I would be there when Kayla gets it done, nurses hate the eye exam and say many parents have to leave to room because of it. We didn't know when the Dr would come so we started bottle feed but didn't get very far before the eye Dr came. They put Kayla on a little bed table and the Dr has to open her eyes with what looks like a paper clip look in and poke around all while Kayla has a bright light in her eye. Well Kayla was not happy, she cried and cried, I had never heard Kayla cry before. She had only cried once when her ventilator was in so we weren't able to hear her. The Dr was done in less than five minutes, thankfully and Cynthia handed my crying daughter off to me to comfort her. I cried, I was so happy, sad that Kayla had to go through that, these preemies are so strong. But so happy that I got to one hear her cry and she has a good cry, nice a loud. But two I got to comfort her and when Cynthia handed her to me she stopped crying right then. I just held Kayla as we finished her feed with the tube, and couldn't stop the water works. I am so ready for her to come home I felt like a true mom today, I can't wait to feel this everyday. We are getting so close, but yet it still feels so far away. Oh and I forgot to mention her eyes looked fantastic, they again checked for ROP and there is none as well on checking on her retina to look for maturity. Answered prayer that her retinas are mature and Kayla will not need another eye exam until she is 9 months old, so good. Mike and I came in at 9p, mom came too she wanted to see Kayla and tell her how proud she was of her. Mike gave Kayla her bottle and big news!! Kayla finished her whole bottle for Mike tonight, she has just had an amazing day today, I hope and pray that these days will just continue and we can get her home sooner than we expected??? Kayla's weight is now 5lb 9oz so I'm sure that since we finally were able to finish a full bottle they will increase breast milk amount by two tomorrow. Let's see how well I know these doctors. :)

1 comment:

  1. We are so happy that little Kayla is doing so well! I read you post very often- it is so nice that we can stay updated.
    Aunt Leslie
