Kayla Lane Fye

Keeping up with Kayla as she grows. Enjoy.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Kayla day 66

Another exciting day for Kayla today we have no more pulsox!! Woo hoo, Kayla has not been having desat spells like she used to so we no longer have to monitor it all the time. One less wire to worry about is one less thing before it's almost time to bring her home. She had a pretty good day at feedings and I am getting on a good schedule with her. She got bottles at 12am, 3am, 6am and did a full one at 9am. but had a tube feeding at 12pm. I love many of the nurses in the NICU but there are three that I really feel don't try as much as the others do. Whenever one of these nurses is with Kayla she always does tube feedings and says Kayla was just to tired to do the bottle. I feel she just didn't want to sit and try like most of the other nurses do for me when I'm not there. Which is such a hard position to be in because I'm not there 24/7 so I can't do every feeding. It's my choice but I still have a lot to do to get ready for Kayla. We just got her crib in yesterday and I needed to get that set up and ready so we are ready for Kayla when she gets home. So I learn a lot of patience and trust in knowing that we will be out of here some day. I don't have to do this forever.

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