Kayla Lane Fye

Keeping up with Kayla as she grows. Enjoy.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Kayla day 68 (38 weeks)

Happy 38 weeks to Kayla today, she is getting so big it's so hard to believe we have been at the hospital this long and yet I am still two weeks from her due date.
Got a call from the Dr. this morning, great news Kayla is off the feeding tube. The Dr said "as requested, we put Kayla on demand feeds today and took out her NG tube." They are going to see how she does because she will be getting only 6 feeds a day now instead of 8 she has to take more in each feed in order to keep gaining weight. Now I feel that if Kayla doesn't do very well with this new schedule it's my fault because I wanted them to do that. But I do really appreciate them listening to my request, but if they have to put a new feeding tube in I will feel so bad. So we need some good prayers sent her way so that she won't have to go back to the feeding tube. Pray, pray pray. I called day nurse to see how Kayla had done so far that day. Teri said Kayla's last tube feeding was at 9a and that she took 30cc's for her next feeding at 1p. Mike and I planned on a work on yard day, we trimmed all the bushes in the front, Mike got all the weeds in the backyard. Just a good clean up day until it started raining on us, unfortunately we had to stop and we'll have to finish another day. We went around 4p because Kayla now demands her feeds, so she eats every four hours now instead of three. She has to show some signs of hunger before we feed her so we aren't forcing the bottles on her. Mike had to leave by 4:45p because he has a double header in softball tonight. I was able to give Kayla her next feed around 5:15p she did well for me and took almost all her feed. Mom then called and met me at the hospital, we went to Black Eyed Pea for some dinner, YUM!!! They have the best skillet cookie there! Then we went to babies r us for some other Kayla items I didn't get at my baby showers. We were there later than expected, I had forgotten to take a picture of Kayla for today so we had to go back to the hospital to get a picture. Kayla was taking a bottle when we got there around 9:45, I was able to get her to finish her bottle before we left. Kayla was awake for a long time while we were there, it was so sweet she was just looking around at everything and always does her little smiles for mom. Nurses say we should expect a weight loss since Kayla will be taking less bottles during this new trial run of demand feeds. Thankfully Kayla hasn't lost any yet, in fact she didn't change at all. Kayla is still at 6lbs 8oz, I think she is doing great but we will see how this whole process goes.

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