Kayla Lane Fye

Keeping up with Kayla as she grows. Enjoy.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Welcome Kayla Lane Fye

After a rough night last night I was not to pleased to be waking up with cramping this morning. Last night while doing fetal monitoring our little girl wasn't moving as much as to nursing were wanting. I had changed my diet a bit that day because I was going to do my glucose blood draw, but when nurses want a baby to move all they wanted me to have was sugar. I was given an orange fanta to drink, skittles, pudding, popsicles anything and it was so hard. Have I not mentioned this was at 11pm so I was ready to go to bed, the nurses wanted at least 20 minutes of fetal movement, after an hour and tons of sweets I was finally able to rest. At 4am on June 9th I woke up with cramps, they were settle but uncomfortable. I started counting the amount of time between them, it was about 10 minutes I start thinking is this contractions, but telling myself it's fine I just had a ton of sugar last night my body is just off. At 5am I am still having cramps but again that aren't really hurting they are just uncomfortable I decide I will wait until 6am before I wake Mike and call a nurse. So I decide to get out of bed and sit the chair for awhile, these cramps are starting to get closer together, but I stick with my time. 6am comes around on the dot, I wake up Mike let me him how I have been having cramping since 4am, and don't go any where today please stay with me. I then call the nurse and she puts me on the monitor, sure enough I'm contracting. This can happen so the nurse decides to just watch for a pattern and see if it stays until her shift ends. Well it does, I am having contractions they are now about 5 minutes apart and doctors aren't sure what to do yet. Do we try and stop them or is this the real deal? Dawn is my nurse for the morning shift I had always really enjoyed her, she was a sweetheart, and she was the first nurse I had when I first went into the hospital at 25 weeks. Doctors have now decided to do a blood draw to see if I might have some form of infection. While waiting Mike and I start calling family, we tell them don't go into work today we may be having the baby. No one wants to really believe us, it's can't be this soon everything was going so well. So my family and his family start to get ready for the day and wait for the next phone call. About 10am, Dawn comes back in to tell me my blood results are in, she says "looks like you baby's birthday is going to be June 9th." I start to cry and freak out a bit is this really happening are you sure it's really going to be today? I am told that my blood levels were a bit elevated and showed there could be signs of infection. Because of this we needed to get my cerclage out and they were not going to try and stop the contractions. I am asking Dawn about everything how do I deliver a baby, how to do breath I never got to do a class or learn this teach me as much as you can. At around noon my cerclage is out I am dilated at 4cm and realizing what real contractions are. I am also tied to the heart rate monitor because I am so early. So I am not able to move much, get out and walk anything really and contractions are getting stronger and stronger. We check my length around 2pm, I'm 5cm not much change but I have been in much worse pain. 5pm comes I keep thinking my water has broken but I still just leaking and because I don't have my regular shorts on it feels different. The doctor comes in to check my cervix again, I am still at 5cm nothings has changed since 2pm. The doctor on call wants me to make a decision on what to do next do I want to break my water or start an epidural I hate haven't to make abrupt decisions. She just sits on my bed waiting for me to decide. I can't decide I am asking everyone what they would do, they all tell me it's up to me this decision is so huge for me. I never wanted an epidural for my babies, but and there always seems to be a but I have been having contractions all day and as many moms know they are only getting worse, I haven't eaten or drank anything all day...they won't let me and I am beyond tired. I did have the doctor leave for awhile so I could make my decision, if they broke my water I could still have no change, but an epidural would make me feel a lot more comfortable. So as much as I hate my decision I go with the epidural, pray for the best and ask them several times to not give me a high dose because I want to feel my child come out. Around 7pm, Dawn comes in to tell me she has to go home, she won't be here for the delivery and she wishes me the best and allows me to pick my delivery nurse. I am bummed that I don't know my two choices as well as I know many of the other nurses but I pick Jersey Joni, she's an upbeat nurse that likes to joke around. Epidural went fine, but I am still feeling all the contractions and now I can't get up to move around but it's enough to allow me to at least rest my body for awhile and Dr. Becker is here, yeah! I was hoping she would be able to make if for the delivery, but I am still not progressing it's 9pm and I am still 5cm. Dr. Becker helps me make the decision to break my water, when that is done I think wow so now I know what that really feels like. Then things finally start moving I am now starting to dilate and I feel it, then around 10:45pm I am at 9.5cm Dr. Becker can feel the babies head and says she is small enough we can start to push. I say really now?? I think I asked for clarification five times before I gave my first push, our baby girl was coming Dr. Becker let me put my hand down there and feel her head, she has some hair on there. Another contraction comes it's time to push well that was it Kayla Lane Fye came into the world at 10:57pm. Dr. Becker held her up for me to see her she was so tiny and did not cry but I knew she was going to be ok, but did say between tears that I wish she would cry. They quickly cut her cord and handed her off the the NICU specialists, they got a ventilator in and Kayla opened her eyes. Big black eyes looked around the room as she was put into a large zip lock freezer bag because of her delicate skin. They then took her away with Mike happily following behind them. She weighs 2lbs 11oz bigger than they thought she would be and is 15 1/8 inches long. She has dark hair and I love her more than anything in the world. When asked how I was doing after her delivery I would simply say "who cares about me it's all about her now." Although it was rough to have Mike and Kayla leave so quickly I was prepared we talked about this day many times while I was on bed rest. I was feeling pretty good and the nurses were doing their best to get me to eat and drink, but I was so tired. When I felt good enough to get up and go to the bathroom I had pushed myself to much and fainted in the bathroom. Four nurses had to rush into my room I was given two giant whiffs of epsin salt to wake me up, once I was able to wake up I was taken back to the bed and given more food to eat. It was so hard to eat at this time it was already midnight and I had been up since 4am with barely 4 hours of sleep the night before. I fell asleep in the delivery room to make sure I didn't crash again, but was then woken up around 2am to be taken over to postpartum. It's 2am and a nurse comes in wanting to teach me how to breast pump, no thanks just let me sleep. I finally get some rest and reality starts to set in....

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