Kayla Lane Fye

Keeping up with Kayla as she grows. Enjoy.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Kayla day 14

Kayla is two weeks old today and what a great day this has been for her. This morning Mike went in early so he could hold her before work. He wasn't going to be able to hold her after work today because he was going to see Young Frankenstein. Mike was able to see the pictures they took of Kayla's brain and all though there is a little gray spot there it seems there is really nothing to worry about. They are still increasing Kayla's feedings she should be up to close to 12cc's by the end of the day. But the best news of the day was that Kayla is now off the pressure oxygen and is on regular oxygen now, and not even the at the highest level. So she is just doing so well and moving along as she should. Kayla was also given her first little sponge bath today, which I was told by her nurse she did not enjoy. But after her bath Kayla was put in regular clothes!! Oh how cute she is, she was wearing a purple striped onesie and I thought it would look bigger than it did. She looked very good and very cute in her first outfit. Kayla's hair was also a bit fussy from her bath which was really cute because it stood up in the back and has a little curl in the front. I wonder if she will have curly hair or not?? I was able to hold Kayla for close to an hour and a half today. I can't wait till I get to bring her home and fall asleep with her in my arms. But Mike and I are just so proud of our little girl, we are still just waiting for her to put on that weight hopefully soon. :)

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