Kayla Lane Fye

Keeping up with Kayla as she grows. Enjoy.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Kayla day 19 (31 weeks)

Woke up with some great relieving news this morning. Kayla got her head ultrasound yesterday, we found out today that although that little gray spot is still there on her brain it hasn't grown. So there is nothing to worry about at all, the Dr said that 20% of all Americans have a gray spot like that on their brain without ever even knowing it. So nice to know, as well as the chromosome (genetics) blood draw results coming back negative. How relieving, that rules out any genetic syndrome related to Kayla's back and just that relief of knowing Mike and I aren't passing on anything we are unknown about to our children. Kayla has been doing well today, she is up to her max fluid intake of 26cc's but is doing well. She isn't spitting up and is pooping just great as well. Who thought we would get so excited about poop. She will stay at 26cc's until she has gained some more weight. She is hanging at 2lb 14oz right now, so close to that 3lb mark. Kayla is still desating on her oxygen levels which is always nerve raking but very very normal for preemies. It's hard to get used to her machines beeping off and on so often, but she is getting stronger and this won't last forever.

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