Kayla Lane Fye

Keeping up with Kayla as she grows. Enjoy.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Hard Times

So this last Friday was Bailey's first day of Chemotherapy, we had a much longer day than anticipated because we also had to do a blood transfer. Bailey's red blood count was up to 80 which in a "normal" would mean they are close to death. But in Bailey's case she is still an active, happy, barking dog. So they do a process of taking out blood until the blood isn't as thick anymore and runs for smoothly, then replace it with IV fluids. So we did that first then the elspar treatment was next, I was most nervous about this and if Bailey might have a reaction or not. So did great, yea! So now we hoped and prayed we would see some drastic changes in Bailey in the next couple of days so we knew were are treating the right thing and can move forward. Well that wasn't the case, even though Bailey had been eating and drinking the days before her first treatment the day right after she stopped. We are on three days now of not eating or drinking much at all and Bailey has also had bouts of vomiting as well. So she did not respond well to her first treatment. This means we will not do elspar again and we need to figure out what the next plan is. Well today Bailey decided to add more stress on to me by vomiting with some blood. I again started to cry this is not what I want to deal with, I wanted her to just be better. I hate that this is all happening while I am pregnant and I am trying my best to take deep breathes and "try" not to stress to much. But it is very hard to do, there is so much up in the air for Bailey so much decisions we have to make for her. Because there was blood in her vomit today the Dr. thinks Bailey might have an ulcer so now we start two more medications, thankfully she is almost done with the other medication she had been on. She is more tired today and doesn't have a lot of energy. Dr. would like us to do another aspirate of her kidney and liver and see if we have more abnormal cells in the kidney and if we find any in the liver. It could come back negative like it had before, but because of today we don't want to try any other chemo that could possibly only make Bailey more sick. So like I said more decisions to make more medications, more of the unknown. I am getting so tired of this and just want one normal day with Bailey again. Will let you know what we decide to do next as we move forward into the next days and see how she does with this new medication.

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