Kayla Lane Fye

Keeping up with Kayla as she grows. Enjoy.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Jordyn Day 12

Happy day with Jordyn today, Mike and I went in for Jordyn's 4pm cares today because Mike had a softball game at 6:15p. We went in about 3pm and Mike held Jordyn while I pumped just a little so I wouldn't be to full to nurse Jordyn. At 4pm I was able to nurse Jordyn again and she is still such a champ. Jordyn nursed for 10 minutes and had no issues at all, yes she still breaths quickly sometimes but she isn't uncomfortable or in distress. Mike and I see how well Jordyn nurses and I know how my flow comes in and we still don't understand why they won't try a bottle with her. We want Jordyn to move forward and it seems they just want to keep her where she is. But I got a call from the NICU nurse tonight and she asked if Mike and I wanted to be there for Jordyn's first bath and I was so thankful that I got a call first, instead of them just doing these things first. But something I wasn't told about was that this nurse had tried a bottle for Jordyn's 7pm cares! I was so pleased that some one had finally tried we just want these nurses to try and move forward, but she noticed that Jordyn started breathing fast again, surprise surprise so she stopped the bottle after only 5cc. So I was very pleased to hear that someone had finally tried but a little discouraged that she didn't try for very long. Jordyn is getting better on her breathing so we are very thankful for that, we also got to visit with Dr. Adelburg she was my perinatalagist and she feels like she put me into labor because she tried to hard to get my cerclage out. I feel if it was meant to be it was meant to be, and feel bad that she feels it was her fault. So we do have some good positives for today, I hope we can continue to see nurses trying bottles. That's where I wish I could just stay with Jordyn all day and just nurse her all day as well, but having another baby at home makes that a bit difficult. Hopefully we can continue to move forward a bit and I can hopefully have my baby girl home before Mother's Day that is my prayer.

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