Kayla Lane Fye

Keeping up with Kayla as she grows. Enjoy.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

One Week Old

Both Brooke and Jordyn are one week old today! Brooke had her first Dr's appointment today and did great! She is already back up to her birth weight of 6lbs 4oz and eating like a champ about 2oz each feeding now. I am still very frustrated with Swedish NICU, I never received a call from the doctor today to see if we were moving forward with bottle feeds or not. So I called and found out that are not wanting to proceed because of Jordyn's breathing rate which has been high ever since she was born. It's hard because one doctor had said maybe this is just Jordyn and how she breathes so it shouldn't keep us back from trying to move forward with her. It seems all doctors have different thoughts on what the next step should be for these babies and I wish they were all on the same page. So no bottle feed today and we are still at the same place we were yesterday.

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