Kayla Lane Fye

Keeping up with Kayla as she grows. Enjoy.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Appointment #2

I was very anxious for this appointment to get here today. Yesterday I was having some cramping and what felt like my left ovary was very full. It would get worse when sitting and when my bladder was full. So like many I am sure I googled it and seemed to be pretty normal I was just nervous that maybe a follicle had already matured and I was going to ovulate before we were ready. But today was my appointment and as nervous as I was it turned out just fine. Phew!! My uterine lining was looking great so I knew right away I hadn't ovulated already. She looked at the right side first where I had about five follicles but only one was taking the lead at 14mm. The others were around 6mm to 8mm. Then to the left side where I had been cramping, now it makes since I have about 8 follicles on the left side but again only one maturing follicle that is taking the lead at 15mm. The others were about the same 5mm to 8mm, so my first thought was that us women only ovulate on one side so I would be good to go because I only had one maturing follicle on each side not really two. But I had to have the "talk" with the nurse who explained to me that Dr. Minjarez would need my permission to go forward with the cycle or she would cancel because there were two maturing follicles and I have that unfortunate incompetent cervix. So now I know that regardless of what side the mature follicles are on using my trigger shot will release all the possible eggs for hopeful implantation. So there is a chance of twins, but we also had two mature follicles with Kayla and we got our one precious gift, so you never know. We of course are just praying for one miracle child but are ready if God chooses to bless us with two. :) Right now I am just waiting for tomorrow, the two follicles and my permission to move forward needs to be reviewed with Dr. Minjarez. Then we will either trigger the follicles tomorrow or Wednesday, we are hoping for Wednesday because my follicles will be at their best that day close to 19mm or 18mm rather than 15mm and 16mm which are considered almost mature. So I may just trigger or I might have one more ultrasound and IUI on either Thursday or Friday. Please keep us in your prayers that we will be blessed again. I will update you when I get my phone call tomorrow.

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