Kayla Lane Fye

Keeping up with Kayla as she grows. Enjoy.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Medical Records

So Mike and I decided we are staying with Dr. Minjarez for this coming cycle. I have already contacted Lisa and our first ultrasound is set for Saturday August 4th at 7:15am. I don't love the time but we are diffidently ready to get started. But the hard part about this all is the medical records after Mike and I decided we weren't going to stay with Dr. Woodford I went to her office and asked for my records so I could have them and bring them upstairs. But I guess that even if medical records belong to me I can not have them. I had to sign a paper allowing them to release them then have that paper signed by Dr. Woodford before I can have my own copy, and because I came in on a Friday I had to wait until Monday. I called Monday Dr. Woodford had signed the paper so I asked if they could send them by fax upstairs. They said they could be they were real busy so it would be later, so I e-mailed Lisa and asked her to let me know when they got them upstairs. Monday came to an end and Lisa e-mailed me to say they didn't get the records. There are four papers they need to send up so I wasn't understanding why it was so difficult. Tuesday came I waited until afternoon before I called them again and asked if they had sent records yet. Well on Tuesday they decided they couldn't just send my records up anymore, they wanted to charge me $20 for the four pieces of paper to send up. I was so upset they could fax it, I said I would personally come by and I would bring the papers up to Dr. Minjarez they then told me that Dr. Woodford required the $20 for the papers when I asked if the other Dr. charged the same I found out she didn't. So now I am just thinking Dr. Woodford is wanting whatever she can get out of me. So I e-mail Lisa again and ask if she can take my word on my records that my pregnancy test is negative Thyroid is 3.12 and I was put back on meds and all my insulin levels came back normal. Lisa said that would be fine but they still need the cyst check, at this point I am just ready to get started and although a cyst check for me with no history of cysts is just a waste of money we are ready for our first appointment on Saturday. What an experience glad to be done with the other doctor and move forward.

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