Kayla Lane Fye

Keeping up with Kayla as she grows. Enjoy.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Follicle Check

Had my follicle check today at 7am yet again, I really don't like those early mornings. But it turned out well, ultrasound tech went to the right side first and there were my three big ones measuring 19mm, 18mm and 16mm so two are already considered mature the 16mm is borderline. The left side had the multiple 9mm's just like last time and one at 10mm, so that's good no big growth. They said I would probably do trigger tonight and IUI on Tuesday. I wanted my trigger shot right away I still get nervous that Dr. Minjarez will see my numbers and not let me continue. But Tuesday is not the best day for IUI, Mike has a meeting with BBBS from New Mexico about the Sports Buddies program and he has to be there, it's from 8am to 12pm. So we asked if it was alright to do the IUI in the afternoon, they said that would be fine but it would need to be at Lone Tree office and not Rose, Lone Tree is much further for Mike to drive. But we were going to make it happen and just praying that I would get a call back about instructions for the IUI. We went to church, then lunch with Mom at Red Lobster. Still no call I started to get worried that it was taking to long and I wasn't going to be able to continue on. But at about 3:30pm our prayers were answered. I got a call from the nurse who told me that my estrogen levels showed I had already started ovulating on my own, so IUI must be tomorrow, I would need to do half the trigger shot at 8pm to help the ovulation. This was wonderful, wonderful news I get to continue on and Mike doesn't have to worry about the big mess of Tuesday. We are so excited I even did a little happy fertility dance. When I had my cancelled cycle a while back and had almost close to this same situation I asked again and again if there was a paper I could sign to note that I understood the risk of multiples and wanted to continue. They said there was no form for me to sign. But guess what...I got that waiver I knew there had to be one. We have a higher risk of twins because of the two mature follicles. But I had two mature follicles with Kayla as well and we were blessed with only her. :) Then we have a very small chance of triplets so that is why I had to sign the paper, noting that it was alright to move forward and we are ready and prepared for what ever outcome might come. We are beyond excited and hope this is our cycle. :) Mike will go in for wash at 11am tomorrow and I have the IUI at 1pm. YEA!!!

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