Kayla Lane Fye

Keeping up with Kayla as she grows. Enjoy.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

35 weeks

35 weeks this week and I feel huge. It feels like the babies are finding any unused space possible in my stomach and filling it up. I don't get hungry and all I want to do is sleep all the time. My poor daughter is just the best daughter in the world as she brings me stuffed animals when I drift off on the couch. I can't wait to take her on a walk, or to the park again but am so blessed that she plays so well by herself and thankful for the Disney channel right now too. This period of time will probably be the most amount of time she will watch this much tv. Although I don't sleep much and still scratch all over all the time I am so thankful I am still pregnant. I am beyond excited that I will get to hear my girls cry for the first time as I never got to hear Kayla's for over a week. Then the thought of being able to hold my babies moments after I have them is almost unreal. I had my appointment with Dr. Becker on Wednesday this week, they checked me for group B this apt and made sure I was not dilating. I have been feeling funny, but my blood pressure has stayed steady and low actually. But I was sent over to get blood work to check my liver and gall bladder to make sure I wasn't feeling funny because of a different problem. Everything is coming back normal, I am not dilated at all, my blood work came back normal I just feel this way because I have two babies in me. My group B was also perfect as normal is 0 to 5 and I am 2.99, so everything is really going well. Although I wish I were more hungry these babies need to grow so much and I just never feel like eating, don't worry I do eat I just snack all day. I am getting nervous and excited for next week, I will be 36 weeks on Monday and get my cerclage out. I have about a 50/50 chance of going into labor or keeping them in there. Because it's hard to tell how the babies are positioned now I get to do another ultrasound on Monday as well. They will check approximate weights and see if Baby A is head down. I still pray for that every day but have also accepted that if a c-section is what I need it is meant to be. I would love to stay pregnant until I am 37 weeks because these babies would not have a label of preemie attached them them instead they would both be considered term. But Mike and I are also very ready for their arrival. It is getting so close......so close!

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